Crime In Stereo The Troubled Stateside
Release Date: 09/16/2008
After only being available on CD from Nitro Records, Bridge Nine licensed and released this 12-song melodic hardcore punk outburst on LP. Following the release of Stateside, Crime In Stereo was praised as one of the best song-writing outfits in hardcore and punk and after sharing the stage with a whole host of bands, from Brand New to Blacklisted, Crime In Stereo's Troubled Stateside is still a relevant, political and personal statement and the perfect blend of catchy melodies and aggression. A single pressing of 2,000 copies was made available in 2008, spread over 3 different colorways, with the rarest being a very dark translucent purple.
Track Listing:
1. Everything Changes/Nothing Is Ever Truly Lost
2. Bicycles For Afghanistan
3. The Impending Glory of American Adulthood
4. I'm On The Guestlist Motherfucker
5. Sudan
6. Abre Los Ojos
7. Gravity/Grace
8. Slow Math
9. I Stole This For You
10. Dark Island City
11. For Exes
12. I, Stateside