Outbreak Failure
Release Date: 06/20/2006
Sixteen songs made up Outbreak's debut full-length and in true punk fashion, the record clocks in a hair over 20 minutes. For this album, Bridge Nine handled releasing the CD format while Outbreak's singer, Ryan O'Connor, licensed and released the album on vinyl LP on his own label, Think Fast! Records.
Track Listing:
1. Down Not Out
2. Handed To You
3. A.S.
4. Lessons Learned
5. Test Of Time
6. Lost For Words
7. New Beginning
8. Giving Up, Giving In
9. Losing Streak
10. Behind The Screen
11. Built To Break
12. Chewed Up, Spit Out
13. Voices In My Head
14. Restless Minds
15. Wasting Away
16. Square One
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