We spent the better part of 8 months scanning and taking pictures of every variant of every Bridge Nine release (like 280 titles or something) to build a new fully updated discography for the label. Test pressings, record release versions, every vinyl color and cover variant, tapes, CD's, you name it. Now it's up! Visit Bridge9.com/discography to see literally *almost* every variant of everything we've ever released (*and let us know if you have something that we don't!)
Got something below that you'd like to trade us? Some of them are more common pressings, maybe upgrade your copy? Hit us up at orders@bridge9.com. Right now, we know we need:
B9R224 - Octaves / Caravels split 12" - European tour cover version (black vinyl - red cover AND blue cover)
B9R203 - Backtrack "Lost In Life" LP / United Blood 2014 cover (of 50), Life & Death cover (of 125)
B9R152 - Polar Bear Club "The View, The Life" 7 inch / orange vinyl (of 300)
B9R140 - Have Heart "10.17.09", blue vinyl (of 1000)
B9R135 - Cruel hand "Cruel Hand" 7" single - Stephen King cover green vinyl (of 50)
B9R134 Ceremony "Rohnert Park" special cover / blue vinyl (of 99), white (2nd press)
B9R130 Ceremony "Sick" 7" record release cover (of 99)
B9R103 Cruel Hand "Prying Eyes" 1st press purple/gray marble (of 1,300)
B9R097 Ceremony "He God..." 7" Sound & Fury cover (of 99)
B9R096 Have Heart "Songs To Scream..." LP
-Sound & Fury '08 cover (of 60)
-Records release cover (of 50)
B9R093 Verse "Story of a Free Man" 7" red vinyl (of 700)
B9R087 Ceremony "Scared People" 7" 2nd press split black/white vinyl (of 1000)
B9R086 Ambitions "Stranger" LP - orange/spatter (of 400)
B9R077 Panic "Strength In Solitude" 12" - 2006 edition, all 3 versions (/200, /300, /500)
B9R063 Blue Monday "Rewritten" LP - record release cover, Sink with Cali cover, Rivalry Records showcase cover (pic disc),
B9R053 For The Worse "The Chaos Continues" 7" blue vinyl (of 300)
B9R035 Give Up The Ghost Year One 12" - Reflections press black spatter (of 500)
B9R034 Terror "Lowest of the Low" - 2nd press clear vinyl (of 1000)
B9R031 Holding On "Question What You Live For" LP - Modern Life is War final show press /40
B9R028 Panic "s/t" - record release alternate cover / stamped clear vinyl / (of 35)
B9R026 Champion "Count Our Numbers" 7" on purple (2nd press)
B9R018 Death Threat / OMDB split 7" - red tour cover / green vinyl (of 100)
B9R011 Shark Attack "Blood In The Water' 7" - "Fuck Philly" stamp (of 50)