Candy Hearts is reuniting for the 10th anniversary of their album All The Ways You Let Me Down, and will be performing at Fest #22 in Gainesville, Florida this October! Check out this list of bands that will be joining them that weekend:
Amazon digital specials for February
$6.99 ALBUMS [until 2/26]:
Candy Hearts - All The Ways You Let Me Down
Give Up the Ghost - Year One
Goodtime Boys - Rain
$5 ALBUMS [until 2/12]:
Ruiner - Hell Is Empty
Alcoa - Bone & Marrow
$3.99 ALBUMS [until 2/26]:
Ceremony - Covers EP
Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill EP
Paint It Black - Amnesia EP
$0.69 SONGS [until 2/26]:
H2O - "True Romance"
Polar Bear Club - "Living Saints"
Amazon digital download specials for September
Here are our Amazon digital download specials going on this month. All start today and last until October 1:
Expire - Pretty Low
Candy Hearts - All The Ways You Let Me Down
Test of Time - By Design
H2O - Nothing to Prove
Ceremony - Still Nothing Moves You
Verse - Aggression
$3.99 ALBUMS
No Warning - S/T EP
Betrayed - Addiction EP
H2O, Candy Hearts on Warped Tour 2015 Compilation CD out today
H2O and Candy Hearts appear on this year's Warped Tour 2015 Compilation CD, which is out today! It can be picked up exclusively through Best Buy. Check out the video below and visit its official website for more info.